PIF Tender Opportunity UTN17: Intensive Mental Health First Aid Organisational (for a single provider)

Building upon the successful delivery of previous MHFA programmes, GMLPF wishes to appoint an experienced supplier to deliver Intensive Mental Health Practical First Aid Training to a single LCR based learning provider. In discussions with the learning provider, based in Liverpool, the training will need to:

  • Be delivered on-site at the provider’s premises on an “Inset Day” – a day identified by the provider for CPD activity – either Wednesday 20th April or Wednesday 1st June 2022 (Tendering organisations should have the capacity and capability to deliver on one of these days)
  • Last approximately half a day
  • Refresh participants’ knowledge of mental health conditions and ability to spot the signs of learners presenting with emerging, existing or deteriorating mental health issues
  • Focus on practical responses to learners presenting with mental health challenges, including:
    • Who should respond
    • How to respond
    • What the response should be
    • Who to involve, e.g. support services and referral agencies

Recipients of this training will be the employees of the learning provider – approximately 10 in number.

Please download the tender documentation for further information.

Deadline: 11th March 2022 at 5 pm

Tender documentation:

PIF TENDER UTN 17 Intensive Mental Health First Aid Training

PIF TENDER RESPONSE UTN 17 Intensive Mental Health First Aid Training


PIF Tender Evaluation Methodology